Envie d’avoir les notifications sous Firefox comme sous Chrome ? C’est désormais possible avec l’extension qui va bien.

Elle n’est pas encore tout à fait finie, mais c’est assez pour pouvoir s’en servir.

La page de l’extension : https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/221523/
Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/ff-html5notifications/


  1. Zim says:

    Salut! Je voudrais faire le traduction de votre extension au Espagnol, c’est posible?
    J’ai déjà téléchargé les deux fichiers de ‘locale’ dans trunk.
    Contactez-moi par e-mail s’il vous voulez le traduction!
    À bientot!

  2. toudou says:


    J’utilise cette extension pour voir les notifications gmail.

    les notifications s’affichent nickels pour le chat, en revanche, je ne visualise une notification que lors de la reception du 1er mail de la journée…

    Quelqu’un sait si c’est un probléme gmail ou un probléme avec l’extension?


  3. Cyril says:

    Bonjour toudou,
    Apparemment ça viendrait plutôt de l’extension, mais le code de Google étant difficilement lisible, j’ai du mal à voir d’où vient le problème.
    As-tu essayé la dernière version ? http://code.google.com/p/ff-html5notifications/

  4. toudou says:

    Oui, j’ai la dernière version…

    j’essaierais de faire quelques test, mais d’après ce que je comprend c’est pas gagné…

  5. Joren says:

    As of June 29, 2011 this addon is causing Firefox 5 to consistently crash when clicking in to unexpanded reply areas of Gmail.

  6. yuji says:

    Bonjour, les ff-html5notifications sont de bons outils.
    À propos, il y a une demande.
    Parce qu’il est affiché juste lorsqu’une icône affichée par un avis de de bureau dans FireFox de Windows est grande, est-ce que ce n’est pas possible d’être arrangé à dimension de l’indication?

  7. Adam says:

    Sorry I don’t remember enough French from grade school to write in what appears to be your first language.
    I love html5notifications – I’ve installed 1.0.4 from your website to fix the GMail reply lockups, and it’s been working great.
    However, today I got an upgrade notice for Firefox 7 and it states the add-on is not compatible with ff7. There appear to be some security fixes included in 7 so I’d like to upgrade, but I don’t want to give up your excellent add-on. Have you a timeline for checking out 7 and tweaking 1.0.4 to be compatible?


  8. Scott Wagner says:

    My name is Scott Wagner. I really do like html5notifications My company has charge me with adding notifications for our site. I would like to know if we could work with you on some changes. We can provide a shout out on our site or even donate to html5notifications. Its pretty basic what we are looking for and i have created it in Chrome already. What we would really like is the code you used for your components. But if that is not available. then working with you would be fantastic.
    Thank you
    Scott Wagner

  9. Ana Paula Mauad says:

    I’ve added pt-BR locale in a local copy of ff-html5notifications-1.0.5. I can send it by e-mail.
    Can you add it to future versions?


  10. Billy says:

    premièrement, merci d’avoir développé ce plugin, c’est super.

    Est-ce que « onclick » est implémenté ?

  11. Beau says:


    I am using your add-on with MightyText, which allows me to recieve notifications for new text messages from my mobile phone. I would love it if there were an option to make the notification persistent until it’s clicked on, so that when getting back to my desk I know that I have a text waiting.

    Alternatively, having the ability to make the notification last more than 2000 ms would be just as good.

    Great add-on, thank you!


  12. Albert says:


    I’ve been using your extension, but was a bit wary of the apparent lack of good styling. I was wondering if you wanted to collaborate on this. I just don’t know enough Firefox extension basics to actually implement any good changes, so maybe you can help me on that?

    I’ve already commented on your Google Code project page with a new logo that you might like.

    Kindest Regards,

  13. Giaco says:

    Hi, great extension!
    Is possible a porting for thunderbird?
    I use facebook in this and it would be useful if i can install in thunderbird.
    Sorry my english.